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Global serving



Mission Trips

“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” — John 17:18

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

— 1 Peter 4:10


PEB (Pakistan Education Board)

Their mission is provide high quality education that addresses the needs of all individuals morally, physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually.  Children are educated within an environment that embodies the core values of self discipline, integrity, tolerance and respect of others, and fairness and justice.  While the schools are rooted in the Christian tradition, all religious traditions are embraced and students of different faiths are educated together.  All students are educated to have a spirit of service and a quality of character that will enable them to contribute to positive changes in society as citizen-leaders of their community, their church, their country and the world.


The connection between the schools of PEB in Pakistan and the Presbyterian Church USA is that they were started in the mid-1800s by Presbyterian missionaries from the United Presbyterian Church.  The property is owned by the PCUSA and operated by Presbyterian Pakistani Christians.


PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance)

Through PDA, we see the love of Christ at work through the actions of volunteer work teams, through the ministry of those offering hospitality and helping their communities to recover, and in the lives of survivors. Those who participate in disaster recovery ministry tell their stories as a witness to God’s transformational power. By visiting the above link you can learn more how this ministry responds to people in need all over the world.

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